Friday, December 11, 2015

Get R.E.A.L.L. With The Semester Myth

The Semester Myth...

OK - Let's face it.  We plan, we dream, and we have it all worked out in our head; we even put it from pen to paper, and on paper it is doable.   Maybe not perfect but achievable nonetheless.  We start the school year and are convinced "we've got this." Congratulations!!  You've just feed the monster - the monster of the Semester Myth!!

We begin the year and things are plugging right along and then it happens...LIFE.  There is always something that just comes up, something unexpected that catches you off guard, and all of the things that you were thinking you had under control are gone in a flash.  You are no longer ahead of the game; you are now playing catch up.  The days of proactive are gone and you are in full reactive mode.

Perhaps those things (the unexpected and unplanned) last only a moment, others may seem to go on forever, and many are far more than you could have ever imagined.  You might just be flooded with moments and/or circumstances beyond your wildest dreams - harder than you have ever known anything to be.  But you can't stop - right?  You have a family of students that you are homeschooling.  You have things that must be done and timelines that must be adhered to.
Don't feed the myth monster...  You are part of a homeschooling family and one of the most beautiful parts of this journey is that you aren't just educating the academics you are experiencing life - together.  You know that things don't always go smoothly, that adjustments have to be made, and that you are going to get caught off guard.  This is not the time to panic, to hide the hurt, or to give up. This is the time to pull together.  Make your adjustments, admit your obstacles, and continue to experience the journey - honesty in the midst of situations brings strength in the midst of adversity.  You can do this - together.  

The schedule or the completion of your syllabus doesn't determine your success and the lack of it will not deem you a failure.  Very few schools, in any format (homeschooling, public, private, magnet, etc.), complete a textbook or cover every lesson.  It isn't about quantity but about quality and what better way to ensure the quality than to equip your students to handle the things that creep up and creep in without letting them creep you out.

Let's get REALL with the semester myth!!!

Reflect - reflect on the things that you did accomplish.  Chances are that you will find more things than originally anticipated can be marked off the list.  You'll most likely be pleasantly surprised to add the items that didn't make the original "cut" but were accomplished none the less.  
Evaluate - evaluate the things that you learned, not the things that went well but the things that you learned.  Many of life's lessons come through the situations that you didn't particularly enjoy or wouldn't deem as best moments ever.  Yet, those are the things that you will carry with you as lessons learned.
Attack - attack the things that are stealing your joy.  Don't give them room to take root.  Attack the things that you feel simply must be done and areas where time is of the essence.  Attack the doubt that life loves to fling at you in all you do.  Attack Satan's hold on you and allow God to fight the battle.
Love - love the opportunity to share the time with your family, love the fact that you were able to do it together, love the blessings that have peppered whatever path that you have walked.  You are not expected (nor required) to love the things that crept in; but, love the reality that they only have victory when you allow it.
Look Ahead - look ahead to the next semester.  There are more days and more lessons awaiting the next semester turn.  Have your experiences changed your academic needs?  Your priorities?  Have they opened new avenues, revealed new plans?  Change is not the evil power - allowing it to paralyze or diminish your journey are its only strongholds.  There are so many more blessings to be bestowed. Embrace the gifts that they are sure to bring - no matter how unexpected the journey may seem.

We are going to stumble but we cannot quit; we have been given the incredible opportunity to travel a path that not only takes many forms; but also, forms many relationships.  Though I may not have begun my homeschool journey as one particularly fond of change or graceful under the pressure of the unexpected, I do continue the journey thankful for each blessing and realizing that without them I wouldn't be who I am or where I am today.  How wonderful it is to know that God isn't yet finished with me or my journey.