Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Best Online Calendar I have found

OK - I fully admit that I love my paper and pencil. I also fully admit to being an organization junkie; striving for that awesome organization and trying to keep everything just so. My calendar has been my weak spot. If you get one big enough to see everything - it is too big to carry. If you get one that is small enough to carry - it is soon illegible. If you carry the perfect one with you, chances are you have a suitcase for a purse; nonetheless, I am not willing to trade it all in for those less than superior online suggestions.

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED - I fully admit to being a nerd about these things - I have found the most awesome online calendar and it works for me and my family. It is easy to set up, it is easy to use and everyone can access what they need. It even has a smart phone app.
It can handle your calendar, your children, your chore lists, your to do list, your grocery list and just about anything else that you can imagine. It is the perfect tool for the mom book users. You simply must check it out. Hopefully, you will be excited like me and we can share success stories. I look forward to hearing from you ALL.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Balance. That is one of those things that you hear not only homeschool mothers but women everywhere talk about. It seems to be the "holy grail" of all households and lifetimes. It seems that it is also a figment of our imaginations. It doesn't really exist - it is the carrot dangled before us; the something that we are supposed to have but never really will. That is, of course, unless we figure it out. Maybe there is a deep dark secret, like a buried treasure that can be opened by the magic key to it all.

Well, as a matter of fact, there is a secret. Careful, this could revolutionize your homeschool and your way of life (maybe a little dramatic). Balance isn't what you think it is and it doesn't mean what you think it does. Now there is a shocker...

Balance doesn't mean having all things figured out and perfectly in place. Balance is as balance does. What?!

To have balance isn't to have everything done. It is to have our priotities in line. To know our God is in control and that He, as Michael Oher would say in the movie BLINDSIDE - has got your back.

Balance is realizing that your family - there spiritual and emotional well being - not the amount of items you have accomplished in a day - is what really matters. Balance is remembering that your family is why this journey started in the first place. If at the end of the day you can look in their faces and know that they have felt loved; you have all of the balance you need.

Balance is again realizing that the things that aren't done are not the things that define your life or your day as a success. They are just things and there will always be more things to do than there will be time to do it in.

Lastly, balance is your attitude. How do you handle the day and its lack of accomplishments? Do you take a tylenol and go to bed with a frown and an ice pac? Do you throw yourself down the steps like a toddler until someone pays attention? Or, do you look into the faces of those whom you love and smile that God has blessed you with them? True balance is feeling all of those under admitted things on the inside but looking with love at your husband and children on the outside and knowing that you wouldn't trade a moment.

The only accomplishments worth counting are the hugs and kisses. So go and be balanced - even if that is slightly off balance.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Am I A Blessing?

So we all get caught up in the day to day. There are thoughts, concerns, feelings, etc that occupy our minds - then we look back and wonder if we encouraged those we love. Did I take advantage of those moments or did I let them slip away? Truth be told - we can't seize every moment but there are some things that we can do (questions we can ask ourselves) to keep us mindful. The families that God has given us are his gift to us. Our gift to Him is to be a gift to them. Now that could be a tongue twister couldn't it?!!

Basic Guidelines to be a blessing?

• Blessings don’t just happen; they require actions.
• Consider A Gift…
If you never unwrap it – you will never know.
If you unwrap it but never use it you have gained nothing.

Questions - Asking questions opens a gateway to wisdom. Ask yourself...

Am I a blessing?
Do I exemplify a desire to please God?
Do I recognize and treat my children as a blessing given to me by God?
Do I encourage my husband and children with my words?
Do I keep my promises to my children, my spouse, and others?
Do I truly listen when my children speak to me?
Do my facial expressions and bodily gestures show respect to my spouse and children?
Do I pray that my husband and my children will grow in wisdom and obedience to God and His Word?
Do I pray that my husband and I will continue to grow in our love for each other and our love for the Lord?
Do I pray that God will increase me in wisdom?
Am I content and do I demonstrate that contentment with what God in His goodness has chosen to give me?
Do I make excuses for my negligence?
Am I willing to acknowledge my sin before my husband, my children and most importantly my God?

Not being able to answer all of these questions doesn't make you a failure. It actually gives you the gift of being able to develop a deeper relationship with God and your family. It is a marathon - not a sprint!!!!

A Family Photo

Can't Believe It

OK - so here it is.  After much talking, asking, suggesting, etc.  I have a blog.  Where exactly does one start with a blog?  Well, I will begin by telling you who I am and where this blog came from.

I am Tracee Wood and tremendously blessed to be a wife to Jeff and a mom to 2 awesome girls - Abbee and Cassee.  I am further blessed that God has called me to homeschool my children and I have had the honor and the privilege to share that journey with many awesome folks along the way.  When we were getting started - over 14 years ago - it always seemed that God new exactly what I needed and put the right folks in my path at the right time.  (I know - isn't that just like Him knowing exactly what we need and when we need it)!!!  Anyway, now that I have done this a while, I don't have all of the answers but I do have a few lessons learned.  I always consider it a great gift to be able to encourage, edify, and support others as they too are walking this homeschooling journey.

I hope that you all will find encouragement as you visit with me.  Please, ask me questions.  I look forward to sharing with you.  I hope to have some of my workshops from the SE HomeSchool Expo uploaded soon.