Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Balance. That is one of those things that you hear not only homeschool mothers but women everywhere talk about. It seems to be the "holy grail" of all households and lifetimes. It seems that it is also a figment of our imaginations. It doesn't really exist - it is the carrot dangled before us; the something that we are supposed to have but never really will. That is, of course, unless we figure it out. Maybe there is a deep dark secret, like a buried treasure that can be opened by the magic key to it all.

Well, as a matter of fact, there is a secret. Careful, this could revolutionize your homeschool and your way of life (maybe a little dramatic). Balance isn't what you think it is and it doesn't mean what you think it does. Now there is a shocker...

Balance doesn't mean having all things figured out and perfectly in place. Balance is as balance does. What?!

To have balance isn't to have everything done. It is to have our priotities in line. To know our God is in control and that He, as Michael Oher would say in the movie BLINDSIDE - has got your back.

Balance is realizing that your family - there spiritual and emotional well being - not the amount of items you have accomplished in a day - is what really matters. Balance is remembering that your family is why this journey started in the first place. If at the end of the day you can look in their faces and know that they have felt loved; you have all of the balance you need.

Balance is again realizing that the things that aren't done are not the things that define your life or your day as a success. They are just things and there will always be more things to do than there will be time to do it in.

Lastly, balance is your attitude. How do you handle the day and its lack of accomplishments? Do you take a tylenol and go to bed with a frown and an ice pac? Do you throw yourself down the steps like a toddler until someone pays attention? Or, do you look into the faces of those whom you love and smile that God has blessed you with them? True balance is feeling all of those under admitted things on the inside but looking with love at your husband and children on the outside and knowing that you wouldn't trade a moment.

The only accomplishments worth counting are the hugs and kisses. So go and be balanced - even if that is slightly off balance.

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