Thursday, October 4, 2012


Awesome organization at your fingertips .. without spending a fortune.  Here you go; thanks for waiting patiently the how to Power Point has been downloaded.

Happy Organizing - watch for some new tools coming soon.

Time Line and Mapping Notebook

Thanks to everyone for your patience.  The workshop has now been converted and the link is listed.  Have a great time and enjoy the Ultimate Timeline & Mapping Book.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

I haven't disappeared - I've been swallowed by life!!!

Wow - when they say things move at the speed of life, they should also tell you to fasten your seatbelts and hang on.  I can't imagine taking this journey without knowing that God is in control. 

Let me give you a couple of quick updates.

My oldest daughter has begun her college experience.  She is at a wonderful Christian College in the North Georgia area (Toccoa Falls College).  I can not even begin to express the comfort a mom feels to know that each day is filled with not only biblically accurate academic instruction but also spiritual guidance and fostering.  What an exciting time for her.  God is so at work and she is so smiling in every picture we see.  That certainly makes the adjustment for mom a little easier - knowing that she is truly experiencing God and being protected by His grace and wisdom. 

My mom has undergone her hip surgery and begun the PT rehab portion of the first operation; however, she has been plaqued by virus and illness which is making her process much slower than she had intended and certainly desired.  We continue to be thankful for God's grace and sufficiency as He cares for her and covet your prayers for smoother rehab journey.

My youngest daughter decided that a crazy softball schedule was not enough.  She too got really sick and was down and out for a couple of weeks.  She is my typical ball of fire and go get um girl; but, there were days where she felt too sick and too tired to even talk.  Certainly this is not the kind of quiet a mom enjoys.

This season in our lives is certainly different than we would have planned or expected; nonetheless, Our Father is strong for us and continues to carry us through the times that are our life right now.  We are so thankful for Him and each of you that He has placed in our lives.

Many of you are waiting on the posts from the conference workshops.  I am soooooooooooo sorry that this is not the timeline that I promised or planned.  I hope to have the administrative part of things back up and running within the next week.

Thank you for your patience and continued encouragement.

Monday, July 30, 2012


Good Morning HomeSchool Friends. 

We are now officially entering the period that I call the wind down for wind up.  We have made it through the conference season.  We have evaluated everything and for the most part made our curriculum decisions.  After the conference ths weekend - many of us are just releaved to have the choices that we have made in our "hot little hands."

Now what...
Well, we have wound down the conference and "research" season and are officially in that time crunch to wind up for school starting.  How do we handle this?  It can be incredibly stressful - because our busy lives haven't stopped; it is merely time to add our school schedule to the table.

I am not the perfect parent, wife or homeschooling mom - but here are some tips that have worked for me:

1.  Take a day and share.  Share the insights and blessing that you received from the conference.  I  know I was so incredibly honored to meet so many wonderful families.  I was especially honored as I sat in various conferences and workshops to see familr faces.  Thank you so much for sharing  your time with me.
     You may choose to share these blessings with your spouse, your homeschooling friends, or yourself in an encouragment journal.  You want to also make sure to share things that excited you with your homeschool students.  If you are excited they will be more confident and quite possibly excited too.

2.  Have a fun day.  Gather your children together and do something fun that all of you can enjoy.  It  can be building a tree house together, going to White Water, or a movie marathon.  We love these at my house. Everyone chooses a movie and a snack.  We all agree to snuggle up in our most comfy chairs, our most comfy clothes, and share our snacks and our movies.  We usually finish this off by getting dressed and visiting our favorite Greek Pizza house.  From there we go and pick out our school supply upgrades.

3.  I know that it doesn't seem like that day is anywhere to be found but take a day and PLAN.  Plan  your rough schedule for your days and weeks; plan your academic goals.  In 6 weeks we should be on lesson 19, etc.  This is not a chain to hold you prisoner but a compass to help you stay on track.  It will guide you so that if things are not clipping along - you know where adjustments need to be made.  I find it especially rewarding to plan with a friend.  It allows company and encouragment as well as accountability.  I usually plan with a friend with whom my daughter is also friends and it is like a treat day for her as well.

4.  Start on a sliding scale.  I usually do two 1/2 days  and 2 full days in my beginning week.  It is   sometimes hard to go from 0 to 90.  This gives me time to make adjustments where needed and the  children time to get used to the changing schedule.

5.  MOST IMPORTANT:  Cover your family, home and school year in prayer.  Pray often and without ceasing.  We are so blessed to be taking this journey with our Heavenly Father and He deesires to be included - He is already there walking with us.

Don't be afraid to ask questions and don't be afraid to realize that every answer will not work for you.  We learn by sharing and sometimes the information we get is exactly what the person beside us needed to hear. 

Don't hesitate to email me.  I lovc talking to you and hearing from you.

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Ceremonial Debate - Graduation Yes? or No?


Many homeschoolers debate the issue of a graduation ceremony.  After all, we aren’t traditional schoolers – why should we have a graduation?    I think that in order to answer this question you have to be clear on what a graduation ceremony is.

Of course it is what you make of it – but it should be a celebration.  Think of how hard your child has worked.  Think of how hard you have worked.  You’ve both put blood sweat and tears into this.  Yes – literally blood; remember the science experiments.  You know the ones where you had to determine your blood type or the ones that somehow included the broken beaker and though you cleaned it all up instantly – you still managed to find one lone piece a day or so later in your bare foot. 

The school work has been both enlightening and challenging.  If you are at all like me some subjects were as if I was seeing them for the first time even though I had taken them myself (of course that was over 25 years ago – OUCH)!!!!  Some subjects were a fun and exciting journey and I couldn’t imagine a better person to take them with than my daughters.  Some subjects were almost unbearable and the only bright spots (once again) were sharing those opinions (and even wise cracks) with my daughter.

Some things worked beautifully and some things were better not revisited.  They just didn’t turn out well at all.  Yet all of those things were part of the education process.  But the educational process was not the only process that was going on and shaping lives.  The lives of your student/child were indeed impacted; but, also your life – the homeschooling parent – has been surrounded with residual effects.

Close your eyes and imagine with me a moment.  Relive those conversations that you never would have had if your child weren’t home with you.  Think of those hugs that you would have never shared if he/she was in a different classroom.  Now, revel in the relationship that could have never grown and flourished to this extent if you weren’t fully invested in your child’s whole life.  Their school life, their home life, their educational life, their spiritual life, etc. are shaped through the homeschooling process; but our lives as parents are transformed as well.  I remember the first day of our homeschooling journey and I remember the finishing day of my oldest daughter’s high school years. 

As I write this post, I have tears streaming down my face.  I can hardly believe that my first born is now a graduate and about to spread her wings.  Saying those words is like a piercing scream echoing in my heart.  My husband said it best when he told her it was bitter sweet.  Bitter to know that she was growing up so quickly and sweet to see what a work Christ has done in her life. 

A graduation ceremony – however you choose to plan it – is your time to speak those blessings upon your child for all to hear.  Let them know that you too are learning in this process and know that God is finished with neither of you.  Give them your permission to spread their wings and fly; but, give them your assurance that their wings will never be too wide to return to the nest should they need you.

Celebrate your child’s growth and accomplishments.  Celebrate the relationship that you have been so blessed by.   Celebrate the gifts that God has given you.  You have been entrusted with this beautiful child, you have been enabled to walk along this beautiful journey, and you have been invested in this beautiful life. 

I hope that your journey will be one of fond memories.  I know that mine has passed way too quickly but been more beautiful than ever expected. 

We did participate in a graduation ceremony and we were all blessed to do so.  We were blessed by our family and friends who took part and we were blessed to celebrate this milestone with one another.  Most of all were were blessed that God gave us our wonderful daughters, our amazing graduate, and the call to homeschool.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Conference yes or no? YES. YES. YES. We live in an electronic day and age. We shop, pay bills, balance our checkbooks and connect with old friends on line. These are just to name a few; there are even homeschool classes, conferences and workshops online. Certainly, we and those around us can be blessed by not only the things mentioned but by the convenience they offer. Beware – convenience can be a trap. Be fully aware – these things are blessings indeed but not meant to be replacements. It is nice to have things in convenient order – but it can’t take the place of real interaction. In the very beginning God gave Adam an Eve; throughout time – He continued to bless His children with the touch of others in their lives. There wasn’t a single disciple; there were 12 disciples. They sat in fellowship and prayer with one another, they wrote letters of encouragement and sent promises of their coming visits. We are supposed to be around people. Imagine falling and skinning your knee as a child and having your mom offer you a band aid via computer? It wouldn’t do much for the bleeding wound or the aching heart.

Homeschooling conferences are growing in number and in nature. There are many to choose from in the southeast. Georgia has 2 conferences of its very own. The GHEA conference takes place May 3, 4, 5 and The Southeast Homeschool Expo takes place July 26, 27, 28. They are worth the trip.

The easiest way to make you aware of this or bring this to your attention is to make the preverbal list.

1. GHEA is the only conference that I have found with a used book sale that encompasses the curriculum sold by families from a minimum of 4 states. There may be others but if there are they are not in any of the states that connect to mine (Georgia).

2. Southeast Homeschool Expo has incredible workshops led by people just like you and I. At the Cobb Galleria Center you can hear homeschooling moms who have been through years on the journey share their passions, tricks of the trade, encouragements, etc.

3. It is an opportunity to put in your hands the curriculum that you have been wanting to know more about. Not to see only the samples that a publisher has chosen to load to his/her website but to actually hold it and choose for yourself the page numbers you will look at.

4. It is the perfect time and place to be among other homeschoolers. You can stand in a room filled with literally thousands of people and know that you are NOT alone. Not because you are one in one thousand but because each of these people represent homeschooling families. People who have chosen a very similar (if not the same) venue of education for their children and families.

5. Blessings. It is the perfect environment to be blessed by others who can identify with your particular set of circumstances. Better yet, it is the perfect environment to bless others who need to know that other families have circumstances that they are dealing with as well.

6. Opportunity. The conference provides an opportunity to meet others, make educated and informed decisions, to hear folks impassioned and empowered by God to be champions of homeschooling and the homeschooling family.

7. Training. Vendors offer training and example for their products. You can see first hand examples of how it works, what makes it successful, and so on. In many cases you meet not only the company that carries the product but the creator of the product itself.

I have been homeschooling since 1997. Certainly, I am NOT a pioneer; there were folks doing this long before I had even heard of it. There are people who are better organizers, better managers of the households, and probably much better examples. There are none who are more blessed. I have been so incredibly blessed. I will, in complete sincerity and honesty, tell you that even on my most difficult day of homeschooling – there is nothing that has made me wish I were doing something different. There is no better option that I am waiting on. I will also tell you that I do not do this. God does it and I hang on for dear life and dear love.

I hope that you will consider this post to be your personal invitation to join me at GHEA and Southeast Homeschool Expo. Bring your list, your budget numbers and your love of family with you and find a smile among those who have also been called to take this homeschooling journey.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Conference Time – Part 2 – Know Your Budget

Happy Easter. What a wonderful celebration – the celebration of a RISEN SAVIOR. It never ceases to tug at my heart strings to think of all the wrong I have done, still do and will do; yet, He still loves me completely, unconditionally and amazingly. I hope that you have had time to spend with our Wonderful Savior today and I hope that you will continue to thank Him for the gift of His life to gain our eternity.

Conference Time – Part 2 – Know Your Budget

You’ve made the list. You’ve done the early prep work. Now what? This part is ongoing. You need to know it before you ever arrive at the conference and you will use it throughout the conference. It is … your budget. Know your budget and your limitations. It would be great if we could walk into a vendor hall and buy whatever we wanted or felt led without thinking about what it will do to our checkbooks. But, for most of us, that is only a dream (and for our husbands – a nightmare). Know what your budget is. What you can spend on conference weekend or conference day. Be realistic.

I have 2 numbers. There is my ideal number – I would be thrilled if I walked away from the conference with this amount as my total spent. It is the amount that I have tucked away, put aside, etc and have set as my goal. If I spent this – I don’t make any adjustments. It works without working me. This number is my goal.

The second number is my “I can make it work if I have to” number. It might mean PB & J more times than normal before our next pay period, not getting my nails done (I wish I still got my nails done. LOL), no date night with the hubby, no lunch play dates next week, etc. Let’s look at this a little closer. I said it is the I CAN make it work if I have to number. That doesn’t mean – I spent it now I have to scramble for it. It means that I have reasonably looked at everything and know that I CAN make this number work but the next week might not be the most fun or the most ideal. As managers of our homes, these are choices that we sometimes have to make. My mom used to tell me that being a mom, a homemaker, and a wife was a balancing act. You don’t have to balance only your task but the means to make the tasks possible and as efficient as possible. Smart Lady huh?!

I have a friend who brings a check register pad. She puts her ideal budget number in the balance section on the first line and everything she spends – she deducts as she spends it. This is what keeps her within the ideal marker.

Watch out for the budget thieves… these are the things that aren’t homeschool curriculum or even treats for your children. They are the incidentals that we spend during our time at the conferences. These things include drinks (I have to have my ice tea – It makes the world a prettier place for Me.  ), meals, parking, hotels, extra gas. Often I hear others say that they have figured out what they can spend at the conference but forget to add in the expenses of being at the conference. Be realistic. There are expenses. I suggest you even overestimate that number. You can plan on paying 1.00 for your tea only to find out that vendor hall concessions charge 3.00. If you have tea at every meal – you have spent 9.00 instead of 3.00.

I know that for many budgeting is stressful. Especially when it comes to a big expenditure and curriculum and homeschool supplies can definitely be a large line item. However, I firmly believe that if you have this budget number ahead of time – It will relieve some of the stress. I have a good friend who once told me that she could deal with anything as long as she knew what she had to deal with. Budgeting ahead of time is knowing what you have to deal with. It empowers you to make wise choices. It motivates you to make decisions that would benefit your family and please the Lord. It isn’t a scary thing – it’s a safety thing.

Setting the budget – sometimes I start with an ideal number based on what I think I can pull together and I have to make adjustments along the way. If I am using money that I have earned from giving music lessons and a student gets sick. Their money can no longer be counted upon for my ideal budget. Life is full of circumstances and circumstances often call for adjustments. Get a goal, work toward that goal, and be thankful for the opportunity to make the proper adjustments for your family.

Take your time. Pray over your budget and think it through seeking God’s guidance. We’ll cover part 3 next week. I pray that God reveals Himself to you this week and that you are granted the time to prayerfully consider this face of “conference preparation.” May you be blessed with hugs and kisses from your children and may they bring you smiles and joy. Thank the Lord for the gift He has given you – He has given you the name that is so sweet to hear…”MOMMY.”

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Conference Season - Finding your conference smile (Part 1)

Conference season always amazes me. It is this time of year that Spring has Sprung and our homeschools have sprang a leak. We are all antsy for those glorious, sunny days. We want to be outside and have a much more relaxed schedule so we are on the mad dash to the school year finish line; however, we also can't seem to stop thinking about and picturing the scenarios of what we should do for the next school year. We have the conference dates circled on our calendars and we have begun to make arrangements:

Which children will attend with me, what will the other children do that day, how much school work should I expect or should it be a day off?

Then of course there is the budget woe - what will my spending limit be, how much do I really need and what should I order at a later date?

Conference Day: We arrive. We stand in the middle of the hall or just inside the entrance. We look around at all of the books and vendors and our hearts begin to race. Let's face it - we are homeschool moms and this sight – well, it both excites and overwhelms us. Feeling faint? Don't break out the smelling sauce yet... I've got ideas (of course).

Preparedness - Let's face it; we prepare something every day. It might be a meal, a lesson plan, or even an excuse but we DO prepare something. It's time to channel that inner preparedness and save a conference smile.
• Know which (and how many) children you are teaching next school year. Easy right? I know my children. Still, write them down and name them one by one. I personally use a spread sheet format. Yes – I only have 2 children but its conference season.
• Know the bottom line. I have to teach these subjects. There are so many things that we want to teach our children. I get all of those emails; I know. There are a LOT of cool looking things and I WANT them all. I can’t afford them all. Not in dollars and not in time. Add the bottom line subjects to your spread sheet list. What must I cover (use the law as a guideline) next year?
• Make the fun list (or column). What are those things that you have always wanted to do with your student? I have always wanted to teach a sewing class or I have always wanted to make Lego robots. Write them all down in their own column. If they have come to your mind before – they deserve a place on your list.
• Make the heart strings list (yes, or column). There are certain publishers that tug on my heart strings. I love the elementary level Apologia Sciences. I think the unit studies and books with children from the Bendt ladies are wonderful.
• Acknowledge the need for curriculum. I have to teach science to my 7th grade student next year. What’s available? There are some things that you can eliminate right off the bat. For example, you might say – “I am not teaching from a secular text book.” You might even think that a particular publisher is too dry, too expensive, too watered down, etc. Whatever your reasons, there are some things that you can eliminate right off the bat and some things that you just want to know more about. “I have always heard that teacher CD’s are the way to go in math.” Make note of the things that you are drawn to and make note of the things that you are not and why.
• START NOW – don’t do this in one night (just before you head out to the conference). Do a little bit each day or a few times a week. By the way, once you get this list set up – you just tweak it each year. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

Don’t depend on all of those “notes” you have written on various scraps of paper. Don’t rely on those things that you have “committed to memory.” If you are like me (and the song my niece sang to me for my birthday), The Old Gray Mare Ain’t What She Used To Be. I would like to be able to keep it straight but I can’t and I don’t have to.

Sometimes a picture can be worth a thousand words. If you need a visual idea of what I am talking about – message me. I would be happy to share it with you.

I’m going to let you get started on this part of things and I will post the next strategy soon. Thanks for spending time with me. Have a blessed day.