Monday, May 21, 2012

The Ceremonial Debate - Graduation Yes? or No?


Many homeschoolers debate the issue of a graduation ceremony.  After all, we aren’t traditional schoolers – why should we have a graduation?    I think that in order to answer this question you have to be clear on what a graduation ceremony is.

Of course it is what you make of it – but it should be a celebration.  Think of how hard your child has worked.  Think of how hard you have worked.  You’ve both put blood sweat and tears into this.  Yes – literally blood; remember the science experiments.  You know the ones where you had to determine your blood type or the ones that somehow included the broken beaker and though you cleaned it all up instantly – you still managed to find one lone piece a day or so later in your bare foot. 

The school work has been both enlightening and challenging.  If you are at all like me some subjects were as if I was seeing them for the first time even though I had taken them myself (of course that was over 25 years ago – OUCH)!!!!  Some subjects were a fun and exciting journey and I couldn’t imagine a better person to take them with than my daughters.  Some subjects were almost unbearable and the only bright spots (once again) were sharing those opinions (and even wise cracks) with my daughter.

Some things worked beautifully and some things were better not revisited.  They just didn’t turn out well at all.  Yet all of those things were part of the education process.  But the educational process was not the only process that was going on and shaping lives.  The lives of your student/child were indeed impacted; but, also your life – the homeschooling parent – has been surrounded with residual effects.

Close your eyes and imagine with me a moment.  Relive those conversations that you never would have had if your child weren’t home with you.  Think of those hugs that you would have never shared if he/she was in a different classroom.  Now, revel in the relationship that could have never grown and flourished to this extent if you weren’t fully invested in your child’s whole life.  Their school life, their home life, their educational life, their spiritual life, etc. are shaped through the homeschooling process; but our lives as parents are transformed as well.  I remember the first day of our homeschooling journey and I remember the finishing day of my oldest daughter’s high school years. 

As I write this post, I have tears streaming down my face.  I can hardly believe that my first born is now a graduate and about to spread her wings.  Saying those words is like a piercing scream echoing in my heart.  My husband said it best when he told her it was bitter sweet.  Bitter to know that she was growing up so quickly and sweet to see what a work Christ has done in her life. 

A graduation ceremony – however you choose to plan it – is your time to speak those blessings upon your child for all to hear.  Let them know that you too are learning in this process and know that God is finished with neither of you.  Give them your permission to spread their wings and fly; but, give them your assurance that their wings will never be too wide to return to the nest should they need you.

Celebrate your child’s growth and accomplishments.  Celebrate the relationship that you have been so blessed by.   Celebrate the gifts that God has given you.  You have been entrusted with this beautiful child, you have been enabled to walk along this beautiful journey, and you have been invested in this beautiful life. 

I hope that your journey will be one of fond memories.  I know that mine has passed way too quickly but been more beautiful than ever expected. 

We did participate in a graduation ceremony and we were all blessed to do so.  We were blessed by our family and friends who took part and we were blessed to celebrate this milestone with one another.  Most of all were were blessed that God gave us our wonderful daughters, our amazing graduate, and the call to homeschool.

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